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Even wondered why bull- fighting is done ?

Ever wondered why people do Bull-Fighting?

Basically bull fighting is a physical fight between a person and a bull. The most famous type of bull fighting is the Spanish Bull Fighting.
Bullfighting is an iconic tradition in Spain and one of the defining cultural characteristics of this nation. Developed by some and adored by others, bullfighting is a bloody and violent spectacle that stands between the boundaries between art and brutality.

Why is it done?

Bullfighting is seen as a symbol of Spanish culture. Supporters of bullfights, called “aficionados”, claim they respect the bulls, that the bulls live better than other cattle, and that bullfighting is a grand tradition; a form of art important to their culture. Bullfighting traces its roots to prehistoric bull worship and sacrifice in Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean region.

How many bulls are killed each year?

Every year, approx. 2,50,000 bulls are killed in bullfights alone. At bullfights, the audience cheers as animals are taunted, injured, and killed. Veterinarians, zoologists and ex-matadors themselves agree that bulls are submitted to unnecessary stress and suffering both in and out of the ring.

Is bull fight still done?

In 2010, the government in Barcelona banned bullfighting in Catalonia, but Madrid and Andalusia continue to host bullfighting events throughout the summer. The stadiums are usually full, both with curious tourists and die-hard fans. But slowly the craze for bull fighting is decreasing which means that soon bulls will not be tortured and killed.


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