Articles - Los Articulos | A, An, The - El, La, Un, Una | Spanish Articles

                                     Articles - Los Articulos

  • In English there are articles like a, an, the, some but in Spanish it is totally different
  • In Spanish there are mainly 2 types of articles- definite and in definite articles
  • In Spanish we call them as Articulo Definido and Articulo Indefinido
  • There are some rules to be used with articles which will be posted in next post, link will be given.

1. Articulos Definido - Definite Articles :

  • These contain El, La, Los and Las
  • El and Los are for masculine items while La and Las are feminine
  • Los and Las are form plural form
  • These are used with respect to the gender and quantity of object 
  • The below picture has these with examples.

2. Articulos Indefinido - Indefinite Articles :

  • These contain Un, Una, Unos, Unas
  • Un and Unos are for masculine items while Una and Unas are feminine
  • Unos and Unas are form plural form
  • These are used with respect to the gender and quantity of object 
  • The below picture has these with examples.


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